Group for All Levels: 2 ½ years – Adults

Seal Swim School offers a group class for any type of swimming ability. Our Group Lessons are full of fun and awesome energy! Our small 4:1 student teacher ratio is perfect for developing the various range of swimming skills. This type of class is an exciting start for a beginner swimmer to learn and develop a love for swimming and it is also a dynamic way to develop a more advanced swimmer’s technique and skill. The key to the group class is the advantage of learning right alongside of other swimmers with similar skill knowledge and goals. We see friendships bloom in our group classes all the time! They are so much fun!

Private Lessons: Any Age!

Private Lessons are advantageous for any swim level. These lessons are tailored to give your student individualized attention. There is a bond that is developed between the student and instructor that is beneficial for a quick learning process. The instructor is also able to focus on the student’s individual strengths and weaknesses. Private instruction at Seal Swim School is not limited to extremely reluctant children or beginners. Seal Swim School Instructors also teach Private Lessons for skills such as refining stroke technique, perfecting breathing, increasing speed and every skill in between Beginning and Advanced swimming!